Friday, 11 April 2014

Thanks for the spot

                                                           City gate Port-of-Spain

There is a lot that can be taken from the picture above but I first want to mention that i spoke to the man selling papers prior. I wanted to know is the vendors here payed rent or not in order to justify if i could include a picture of them in my blog or not. When posed with the question the mans eyebrows raised as it to ask how could I ask such a silly question. After realizing that the question was not a joke he said all vendors inside pay a rent. I then pointed to the sign in the back that said no vending and asked what it was supposed to mean . He shrugged his shoulders and lazily pointed to the woman selling on the crates. My eyes and mouth opened in understanding to which he gave a small smile. Seeing that the man no longer saw need to talk to me since i did not purchase a newspaper I took a few steps back to analyze the scene and snap the picture above.

The woman's set up could clearly be disassembled need the case be in the event that she is told to move. She pays no rent unlike the other vendors within city gate. There were other snack vendors there so i wondered why did they not chase her away. Is the community of vendors in City gate a nice one to allow that ? or do they just no longer bother? Regardless she sells under the NO VENDING sign which i see as a risk to her but also defiance against the law albeit small. As mentioned in the coconut blog before there has been a serious clamp down on street vending by the mayor. This picture just goes to show how hard it is to remove the informal sector. I think of it as water for when ever something comes in the way it bends around it. The people are the water molecules and even tho they may not work together they still contribute to the whole. It is in their innovations and will that give them flexibility. After all who can blame them for that strong minded will. The will to survive.

1 comment:

  1. You didn't talk to her? Theory, media from the Lee-Sing clean up?
